is registered in Copenhagen, Denmark as Soke Yamaue's personal organization. The name IBU and the Logo/Mon (Tachibana ni Kiku ---
Wild Orange Blossom & Crysanthemum )
for being a member of
Members must pay annual fee:
160 Euro or 1.200 Dkr.
(Special rate for Czeck-Republic, Slovakia and Poland.)
I.B.U does not stand for a particular style of arts. It's purpose is to establish and provide not only Bujutsu Education, but also education in Eastern cultures and history. Our worldwide presence is giving you the oppotunity to join International events and seminars to produce a peaceful communication and exchange og "Culture" between countries and continents. It is not easy for many Budo-kas to go to Japan or China, ect. for such education. Today I.B.U. has created warm relations with other Budo organizations and beeing supported bu its leaders and masters, which is giving I.B.U. the advantage to bring World wide well- known professors and masters to the local students. Some of them are as well I.B.U. representatives.
The I.B.U Instructers give lessons when they are invited at a seminar. You can enter the I.B.U. world. In the I.B.U. we work together and not against each other. I.B.U. will bwe the name for friendship and co-operation in a great Bujutsu spirit in the whole world.